The Houston Independent School District has established as one of its primary goals the provision of a high-quality educational program for each student in a safe school environment free of disruptions that interfere with the educational process. The purpose of this Code of Student Conduct is to inform all school staff, students, and parents of HISD’s expectations regarding behavior and conduct. The Code, reviewed and approved by the HISD Board of Education, is based on the policies of the Board of Education and Administrative Regulations. Administrative Regulations communicates District administrative procedures and practices.
This Code was developed to protect the rights of all students by:
- providing a districtwide discipline management plan
- specifying the behavior that is expected of all students
- describing the broad range of student misconduct and providing appropriate disciplinary consequences or options for the various kinds of misconduct
- outlining student rights relating to school
- listing procedures that must be followed when applying consequences
School staff, students, and parents are expected to become familiar with the provisions of the districtwide Code of Student Conduct and the rules and regulations adopted and implemented by individual schools based on their School-Based Discipline Management System. Students are also expected to abide by the policies set forth in the Code so that they can get the most out of their years in school.
Download a pdf of the 2021–2022 HISD Code of Student Conduct here:
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | ArabicDownload this form to request a printed copy of the Code of Student Conduct, and take it to the front
office of your student’s school.
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Arabic