Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC)
A Shared Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) shall be established on each campus to assist the principal. The committee shall meet for the purposes of implementing planning processes and site-based decision making in accordance with Board policy and administrative procedure.
SDMC Agendas 2022-2023
SDMC Meeting Minutes 2022-2023
SDMC Committee Members 2022-2023
- 1.
- Tracie Richard
- Trichar8@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff-Teacher
- 2.
- Paula McCreath-Wright
- paula.mccreath@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff - Special Education Representative
- 3.
- Maria Negrete
- maria.negrete2@houstonisd.org
- Community Member
- 4.
- Pastor W. Austin
- aelaustin@yahoo.com
- Business Representative
- 5.
- Edrianna Newell
- Enewell@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff-Other
- 6.
- Marquis Page
- Marq.page@store.lowes.com
- Parent Representative
- 7.
- Treshanna Taylor
- Treshanna.taylor@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff-Teacher
- 8.
- Lizeth Cruz
- Lizeth.Cruz@houstonisd.org
- Non-Instructional Employee
- 9.
- Eddejea Page
- Eddeja.r.page@gmail.com
- Parent Representative
- 10.
- Daisy Lopez
- DLopez17@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff-Teacher
- 11.
- Nancy Acosta
- Nancy.Buenostro@houstonisd.org
- Professional Staff-Other
- 12.
- Alicia Woodson
- Alicia.Woodson@houstonisd.org
- Principal Assistant