Spanish II, III, AP



    Welcome to an exciting year of Spanish as well as development of writing,reading, listening, and

    speaking skills. We will focus on expanding vocabulary and intensive writing. I am looking forward

    to seeing each of your achievements throughout the year.
     Spanish- English Dictionary is a MUST !

     Folder with pockets.

    Blue and black pens.

    Spiral Notebook

    binder (used wide ruled paper preferred).
    Color Pencils.
    Index Cards.
    1. To communicate effectively in a variety of life situations.
    2. Express emotions, preferences, and opinions about events and everyday activieties.
    3. Read and demosnstrate comprehension of authentic materials when the topic and the language is familiar.
    4. Use language in real world situations both within and beyond school setting.
    5. Use repetion and recitation to practice pronunciation of newly acquired vocabulary words.
    6. Write in the target laguage to convey a message or to exchange information using appropraite
      level vocabulary.


    Major Grades (Tests and projects) = 60%

    Daily Grades (Quizzes, warm-ups, etc.) = 30%

    Homework = 10%

    *You wil get extra pints for having your materials, but win't tell you !


    • Assigned daily except on test days.
      Copy assignments onto your assignment sheet.

      Will be be checked daily.
    1. You are responsible for your own make-up work.
    2. Get notes from me during tutoring on tuesday or see me after class or a classmate.
    3. Listen carefully to review in the beginning of class.
    4. Turn in your make-up work in to the basket labeled "Make-Up Work"
    5. Missed test must be made up after school.

      Progress Reports
    1. All Students will receive an itemized print-out of the grades every 3 weeks.

    2. Your parent / Guardian must sign the mid-period report.
    1. Will be done on tuesdays after school.

     ISS(In School Suspension) 

    • Get your assignments before reporting to ISS.
    • Work is done upon your return to class.
    • Missed tests must be made up after school.
    • ISS is not an excuse for falling behind.