Spanish II, III, AP
Welcome to an exciting year of Spanish as well as development of writing,reading, listening, and
speaking skills. We will focus on expanding vocabulary and intensive writing. I am looking forward
to seeing each of your achievements throughout the year.MaterialsSpanish- English Dictionary is a MUST !
Folder with pockets.
Blue and black pens.
Spiral Notebook
binder (used wide ruled paper preferred).Color Pencils.Index Cards.Objectives- To communicate effectively in a variety of life situations.
- Express emotions, preferences, and opinions about events and everyday activieties.
- Read and demosnstrate comprehension of authentic materials when the topic and the language is familiar.
- Use language in real world situations both within and beyond school setting.
- Use repetion and recitation to practice pronunciation of newly acquired vocabulary words.
- Write in the target laguage to convey a message or to exchange information using appropraite
level vocabulary.
Major Grades (Tests and projects) = 60%
Daily Grades (Quizzes, warm-ups, etc.) = 30%
Homework = 10%
*You wil get extra pints for having your materials, but win't tell you !Homework- Assigned daily except on test days.
Will be be checked daily.
Absences- You are responsible for your own make-up work.
- Get notes from me during tutoring on tuesday or see me after class or a classmate.
- Listen carefully to review in the beginning of class.
- Turn in your make-up work in to the basket labeled "Make-Up Work"
- Missed test must be made up after school.
- Progress Reports
- All Students will receive an itemized print-out of the grades every 3 weeks.
- Your parent / Guardian must sign the mid-period report.
Tutoring- Will be done on tuesdays after school.
ISS(In School Suspension)
- Get your assignments before reporting to ISS.
- Work is done upon your return to class.
- Missed tests must be made up after school.
- ISS is not an excuse for falling behind.