• Welcome to Condit

    To complete registration, the following documents are necessary. Please note: REGISTRATION is not enrollment – enrollment begins the 1st day of attendance at school. Registration means that you intend to come on the 1st day.

    The school will make copies of the following: 

    • Drivers license of the persons enrolling the student
    • Proof of residence (Current Lease agreement or mortgage statement and 2 of the following utility bills: electric, water, or gas.)
    • Birth certificate (a child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st to be enrolled in Kindergarten. A child must be 4 years old on or before September 1st to be enrolled in Pre-K)
    • Social Security Card of student
    • An immunization record showing proof of the following shots:

              4 Doses         Diptheria/Tetanus (last dose after 4th birthday
              3 Doses         Polio (4th dose after 4th birthday)
              2 Doses         MMR (1 must be after 1st birthday/2nd after 4th)*
              3 Doses         Hep B
              2 Dose          Varicella (Chicken Pox after 1st birthday and 2nd dose after 4th)*
              2 Doses         Hep A 
                      * For Pre-K only one dose is required
             Additional requirement for Pre-K:
                4 Doses       PCD (last dose after 1st birthday)
                3 Doses       HIB (last dose after 1st birthday) 

    Before a student may be enrolled, all documents must be turned in.  Many four-year olds do not have the DPT and polio boosters at the time they are enrolled.  Please be sure to furnish us with an updated shot record before the opening of school so that your student may start on time.  We would like to be able to give you a call to remind you to “finish up,” but this is impossible.  It will be your responsibility to make sure your child’s files are complete.
    You can download any of the forms you need using the links on the right. Other forms and documents can be downloaded from the HISD Forms & Documents page.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Ines Hernandez
