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Fine Arts Magnet Program


    Visual and Performing Arts Magnet Program

    Our program is dedicated to providing quality instruction in the arts and supporting high achievement by all scholars. We are committed to developing each scholar to reach their full potential to better themselves and their community.
    Fine Arts Program Vision Statement 
    The Lawson Middle School Fine Arts department is dedicated to creating relevant learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom that help our scholars develop the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and character necessary to succeed. We are committed to creating meaningful opportunities for our scholars through real-world challenges, project-based learning (PBL), industry field exposure, and community-engaged learning experiences.
    Fine Arts Courses Offered:
    The Music Program will prepare scholars to learn, play, perform, and read music. They become well-versed in many aspects of music. Scholars will learn various musical instruments. Band Scholars get many opportunities to perform at various school and community events.
    The Dance Program exposes scholars to various types of dance from ballet, hip-hop, jazz, modern, and contemporary dance genres. LMS dancers have opportunities to perform at a variety of school and community events. 
    Theater Arts
    Theater Arts scholars work in a variety of disciplines, including individual monologs, group scenes, UIL, One Act Play, and writing screenplays. 
    Visual Arts
    In Visual Arts, scholars can develop an understanding and an appreciation for the arts as a whole, while exploring their creative process to create visual masterpieces. 
    Scholar Expectations:
    • Maintain 75 or higher in core classes
    • Satisfactory attendance
    • Adequate behavior
    • Performance assessments
    • Believe that they can be a 21st century performer/artist regardless of experience, professional training, art education, and affiliations.
    • Engage in open communication with teachers and parents
    • Demonstrate student professional conduct as a positive reflection of the magnet program
    • Failing to maintain the requirements will initiate a conference to discuss the scholar’s performance. Results can have a scholar placed on probation after review from the teachers, administration, and parents.
    Parental Involvement:
    Parents of our magnet scholars are expected to attend at least 3 events in the school year, which must include one fall event and one event in the spring.
    Scholars, teachers, and parents will take a holistic approach to supporting the development of our scholars to ensure well-rounded scholars are equipped to compete with their peers.
    Performance Passport: LMS Magnet scholars are encouraged to attend visual and performance events in our community: performances, festivals, classes, celebrations, etc. Here's how it works:
    1. Attend an arts event (any event outside school hours when music, dance, theater, or visual arts are displayed/rehearsed/performed for a public audience).
    2. Bring your iPerform Passport and an artifact (such as a ticket stub or program) from the event to school
    3. We'll "stamp" your Performance Passport!  
    4. Incentives are provided for students who attend visual and performance arts events throughout the year. Scholars who get all seven stamps will be entered in a raffle at the end of the year.
    How to apply to our Fine Arts Magnet program:
    Review your scholars’ interests and needs and look for alignment with our specific fine arts magnet courses offered. The HISD magnet application is available online or through a paper application from the LMS front office.
    An application takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Before starting, if your child is a current HISD scholar, please locate his or her HISD scholar ID number on a report card or by calling their school.
    Scholars with at least an overall 75 average in core subjects will be invited for an audition. Scholar selection will be based on the review of their overall grades, conduct, attendance, and audition using a rubric.  Auditions are scheduled for February 3, 2024 & March 2, 2024.
    Fine Arts School Tours are held every Thursday. Tours resume once a month beginning in January. If you are unable to attend these dates, you can speak to our magnet office to discuss additional opportunities.
    The application process begins on December 10, 2024.
    For further information, contact us:
    Magnet Office Hours: 8:30 am – 3:30 PM
    Magnet Coordinator: LaCresha Walker 
    Email: lacresha.walker@houstonisd.org
    Magnet Clerk: Brianna Rodriguez 
    Email: brianna.rodriguez@houstonisd.org