•  Mamie Sue Bastian



    Mamie Sue Bastian
     Born in 1875 in Houston, Texas, Mamie Sue Bastian received her education in the city's public schools, graduating from the Houston Normal and High School in 1894.  She attended college during summer terms and traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada.  She taught in the Houston Schools from 1895 to 1922.  She became a supervisor for a year and was principal of Bowie Elementary from 1924 to 1925.  She was principal of Crockett Elementary from 1926 to 1940.


    "Early in her career she became interested in accelerating improvement of teaching and teachers through organizations."  She served on the Executive Committee of the Texas State Teachers Association in 1919 and organized and served as president of the Houston Teachers Association.  She also formed the Houston Principals Association.  In addition to Delta Kappa Gamma, Miss Bastian was active in the National Congress of Parents and Teachers and the National Education Association.  She served one term as vice president of the Texas State Textbook Board.


    "It is not surprising that Dr. Blanton selected her enterprising friend to share in establishing The Delta Kappa Gamma Society in 1929.  Nor is it surprising that within five months Mamie Bastian had founded Gamma Chapter in Houston.  As the first president, she directed Gamma's development for nearly four years. With this background she arose to presidency of Alpha State, organizing thirteen chapters during her successful term (1930-34).  From 1929 to 1933, she had been national first vice-president; the following three years, the national recording secretary; in 1936 she was elected as the third national president.  She is credited with founding thirteen chapters in Texas and with helping to establish six state organizations.


    "Mamie Sue chaired several national committees: National Scholarship Fund (1936-38), National Permanent Fund (1936-1938), and Initiation (1932-1933).  She was a member of a number of national committees including the one on Constitution (1929-30 and 1933-36), Membership (1930-36), Nominations (1930-33), Retirement Fund for Teachers (1930-31), Program (1934-40) and Headquarters Building (1940-43).


    "It was Miss Bastian who initiated the idea of the Birthday Luncheon, who encouraged lively Delta Kappa Gamma songs to add color to drab lives of teachers.  Because Mamie dearly loved to sing, she always inspired others to join in the fun when she directed."


    Mamie Sue Bastian died on February 20, 1946, and was laid to rest in the Glenwood Cemetery of Houston.