Yolanda Black Navarro Middle School is located at 5100 Polk Street. The main building was constructed in 1925 with an addition built-in 1980.
Our school’s mission is for the faculty, staff, and parents at Yolanda Black Navarro Middle School of Excellence to support and holds each other accountable to respond to all students by reinforcing and recognizing all students’ progress and academic success. The Yolanda Black Navarro Middle School of Excellence community utilizes subject and cluster team collaboration in implementing educational initiatives that meet individualized student needs. Our vision for Yolanda Black Navarro Middle School of Excellence will continue to be the school of choice in this community by taking pride in and embracing our school’s cultural diversity. We will foster community and family relationships that promote a safe and productive learning environment.
Navarro is structured into professional learning communities whose major focus is student achievement. The professional learning community process is guided by leadership teams are composed of teachers and administrators. The team looks at all aspects of the PLC process to ensure implementation and efficiency at all grade levels and makes recommendations for adjustments to the principal. The PLC teams supports all curricular and extracurricular activities at Navarro Middle School. Many of these team members also serve on the campus Site Decision-Making Committee (SDMC).