• We are a Futures and Fine Arts Magnet School

    Kashmere High School boasts a unique curriculum where students can enroll in one of two magnet programs: the Futures Academy of Computer Engineering Technology and our Fine Arts magnet program.
    The students who participate in our magnet programs participate in challenging experiences that engage them in hands-on learning. Kashmere's unique opportunities offer in-depth experiences and study in a variety of areas. We set high expectations for all students to improve student achievement.
    For more information on our magnet programs contact:
    Ashly Horace, Magnet Coordinator
    Phone: 713.636.6400 ext. 7111
    Apply for one of our magnet programs at: www.HISDMagnet.org
  • Kashmere High School
    6900 Wileyvale Rd.
    Houston, TX  77028
    Telephone: 713.636.6400
    Ashly Horace, Magnet Coordinator