    Visitors & Volunteers

    Members of the community are welcome to visit HISD schools. Every visitor, however, must sign in at the school office and observe campus procedures. Visits may be limited by the school principal and cannot disrupt school activities.

    voulnteers in public schools logo Volunteers VIPS Log-in here.

    Members of the acclaimed Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) and Community Relations programs serve as tutors, mentors, teacher partners, speakers, attendance callers, security patrols, chaperones, interpreters, cafeteria monitors, and helpers in libraries, media centers, clinics, and offices. HISD values its parents and volunteers. We encourage every Houstonian to become involved in making our schools the best in the nation.

    Student safety is our number one concern. We encourage all parents to help us maintain a safe and secure campus for all students by discussing our school’s policy and procedures with their family.

    If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering at Longfellow, please call us at 713-295-5268.