About Title I
The purpose of Title I, part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. A school is eligible to receive Title I, Part A funds when the percentage of low-income children residing within a school's attendance area is equal to or greater than the average district-wide percentage. For more information on Houston ISD's External Funding Titles I, II & IV Department, please click here.
Please find the following documents below:
- School-Parent Compact
- Campus Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- District Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- Schedule of Parent Meetings
- Title I Program Status Notification (Parent Notification)
- Title I Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications (Parent Notification)
- Explanation of HISD Curriculum (Parent Notification)
- Explanation and Description of Assessments (Parent Notification)
- Federal Report Card
- 2021-22 Executive Summary from the SIP
HISD Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement Survey, 2021–2022
Thank you for taking the time to complete the 2021–2022, HISD Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement Survey. The purpose of this annual survey is to see how well your child’s school partners with you and encourages your family’s engagement in your child’s education.
Coordinator Information
For more information on Title 1 please contact:
Edwandolyn St. Aime
(713) 732-3500
Parents Right in ESSA Sec 1116
Parent Right to Know ESSA Section 1116 vetted with copyright.pdf 285.67 KB (Last Modified on March 4, 2022) -
2021-2022 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy
2021-2022 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy1 - English.pdf 1.38 MB (Last Modified on March 4, 2022)
2021-2022 Federal Programs Parent Consultation Meeting
2021-2022 Federal Programs Parent Consultation Meeting - Spanish.pdf 2.48 MB (Last Modified on March 4, 2022) -
2021-2022 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy
2021-2022 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy -Spanish.pdf 1.8 MB (Last Modified on March 4, 2022)