High School Ahead Academy offers free bus transportation within the HISD boundaries. Usually the bus will stop in your zone school area or in several locations close to that area. We will try to accommodate you and your child and will make every effort to find a bus stop that is convenient for you.
High School Ahead Academy ofrece transporte en autobús gratis dentro de los límites de HISD. Por lo general, el autobús se detendrá en su zona escolar o en varios lugares cerca de la zona. Vamos a tratar todo lo posible para encontrar una parada de autobús que es conveniente para usted y su hijo/a.
Social Work
One of the highlights in HSAA is our social services assistance. We have an in-school social worker that helps families and students by- Assessing student needs
- Coordinating services for families and students
- Helping students develop appropriate social skills and improved self concept
- Identifying and resolving barriers to education
- Intervening in situations involving family dysfunction
- Meeting with students individually and in groups
- Networking with community agencies and identifying resources
- Participating on intervention teams
- Providing consultation and program coordination
- Providing outreach to parents
- Providing problem solving and conflict resolution
- Providing staff development
- Serving as an advocate for the child's educational needs
Trabajadora Social
Uno de los aspectos más destacados en HSAA es nuestro servicio de asistencia social. Contamos con una trabajadora social en la escuela que ayuda a las familias y los estudiantes con- Evaluar las necesidades del estudiante
- Servicios de Coordinación para las familias y los estudiantes
- Ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades sociales apropiadas y mejorar su autoconcepto
- Identificar y resolver los obstáculos a la educación
- Intervenir en situaciones de disfunción familiar
- Reunión con los estudiantes individualmente y en grupo
- Redes con agencias de la comunidad y la identificación de recursos
- Participar en los equipos de intervención
- Proporcionar la consulta y la coordinación del programa
- Proporcionar a los padres extensión
- Proporcionar la solución de problemas y resolución de conflictos
- Proporcionar desarrollo profesional al personal
- Servir como un defensor de las necesidades educativas de los estudiantes
Our social worker can help with students that are struggling with
- Absenteeism/truancy
- Academic achievement
- Child Abuse/Neglect
- Economic deprivation
- Family dysfunction
- Family Violence
- Inadequate health care
- Inappropriate or life-threatening behaviors
- Lack of understanding of school policies and procedures
- Substance abuse
- Homeless
- Bullying
Nuestra trabajadora social puede ayudar a los estudiantes que están luchando con
- Ausentismo / absentismo escolar
- Rendimiento académico
- Abuso de niño/a / negligencia
- Privación económica
- Disfunción familiar
- Violencia familiar
- Cuidados de salud inadecuados
- Conductas inapropiadas o potencialmente mortales
- Falta de comprensión de las pólizas y procedimientos escolares
- Abuso de sustancias
- Personas sin hogar Intimidación
Parent Involvement
We strongly encourage parents to visit the school. We promote an active parent involvement at school and we ensure that all teachers keep open channels of communication with parents including emails, newsletters, phone calls, conferences, etc. We believe in a culture of trust and we promote an Open-Door School policy in which parents can find multiple opportunities to be involved. We are working hard to develop and stabilize a full-functioning PTA. Keep your ears and eyes open for the announcement of our P.A.W. Lounge (Parents-at-Work). HSAA knows you have a lot to offer and we plan to count on your help.
Participación de los Padres
Recomendamos fuertemente a los padres a visitar la escuela. Nosotros promovemos una participación activa de los padres en la escuela y nos aseguramos de que todos los profesores de mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación con los padres, incluyendo correos electrónicos, boletines, llamadas telefónicas, conferencias, etc. Creemos en una cultura de confianza y promover una política de la escuela en que los padres pueden encontrar múltiples oportunidades de participar. Estamos trabajando duro para desarrollar y estabilizar un PTA completo. Mantenga sus ojos y oídos abiertos para el anuncio de nuestra P.A.W. Salón (padres-en-Trabajo). HSAA sabe que usted tiene mucho que ofrecer y tenemos la intención de contar con su ayuda.
Community Service, “NO PLACE FOR HATE” and Luby’s Act
We also believe in the value of community building and the subsidiary responsibility of public education in shaping responsible citizens for the XXI century. In HSAA we offer multiple opportunities for students to be involved in community service and extra-curricular activities such as college and career field trips. Moreover, HSAA is a “NO PLACE FOR HATE” campus (2010-2011) and we promote healthy character building education. This program empowers school communities to promote respect for individual and group differences while challenging prejudice. We based interpersonal relationships on the Resolution of Respect and we challenge bullying and intolerance. We are also part of the Luby’s Act program that highlights students whose character is remarkable and are a positive image for youth.
Servicio a la Comunidad, "NO HAY LUGAR PARA EL ODIO" y la Ley de Luby
Close Academic Supervision and SupportIn HSAA we believe in closely monitoring students’ progress and performance. We will regularly assess students and redirect instruction based on their individual learning strengths and weaknesses. We also believe in providing one-on-one assistance and individualize support plans for every student. We know that by knowing our own students performance data we will be able to assist them in their areas of need so they can accelerate their learning and become successful academic achievers.Supervisión y apoyo académico