Rejuvenating the community and functioning as change agents in society!
Educational Background
Sam Houston State University- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
Concordia University Texas- Masters of Education in Educational Leadership
ATMS Sports Coached
Campus Athletic Director
Girls Head Coach
Coaching Experience
14 Years
Fun Fact
" I started a non profit organization in 2012 called Lil'Reds that empowers foster children to enhance their health through proper nutrition and physical activity."
"A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life." -John Wooden
5655 Selinsky Road Houston, TX 77048-1864 713-732-3500 fax: 713-732-3511Accessibility
Thomas Middle School
5655 Selinsky Road Houston, TX 77048-1864
fax: 713-732-3511