The purpose of Title I, part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. A school is eligible to receive Title I, Part A funds when the percentage of low-income children residing within a school's attendance area is equal to or greater than the average district-wide percentage.
Descripción y explicación de las evaluaciones
Explanation and Description of Assessments 2020-21- Spanish.pdf 1.24 MB (Last Modified on April 22, 2021) -
District Parent Family Engagement Policy (Espanol)
2020-2021 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy -Spanish.pdf 1.48 MB (Last Modified on April 21, 2021) -
District Parent Family Engagement Policy
2020- 2021 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy -English.pdf 2.16 MB (Last Modified on April 21, 2021) -
Parent Family Engagement Policy
Parent Family Engagement Policy-The Rice School 2021.pdf 150.86 KB (Last Modified on March 24, 2021)