Food Allergies


    Condit Food Allergy Policies

    1. Nurse will review all new enrollment and annual health information paperwork to determine students with food allergies.
    2. Nurse will reach out to parents/guardians to obtain a full history of allergy and current needs.
    3. Nurse will provide parents with information about how food allergies are managed at Condit. Sent home annually.
    4. Nurse will give the parent forms for emergency medication administration and cafeteria dietary accommodations if needed.
    5. Parents will return forms in a timely manner and provide the prescribed medication to the nurse.
    6. All food allergies must be confirmed by a medical authority (medication forms completed by the physician or nurse practitioner are sufficient).
    7. Emergency medication will be kept in an easily accessible location and be well labeled.
    8. Nurse will brief teachers on food allergy prior to the first day of school.
    9. Nurse will develop an Emergency Action Plan for each student with an allergy that will be given to all teachers who will interact with the student. Teachers are to keep the emergency action plan easily accessible and leave it out for substitutes.
    10. Nurse will give a list of all students with food allergies to the cafeteria staff and the lunchroom monitors.
    11. Nurse will facilitate a staff wide EpiPen training.
    12. Teachers will inform all parents that any shared class snacks brought in must be nut free.
    13. Students who have an anaphylactic allergy and students with celiac will not be given any snacks brought in by other parents. Students will eat a “safe snack” at this time.
    14. “Safe Snacks” can be brought in from home and kept in the classroom or the clinic freezer. The school will have back-up “safe snacks” if snacks from home are unavailable.
    15. Due to the unpredictable nature of birthday treat arrival, the teacher will not be responsible for contacting the parent in advance.
    16. The teacher will notify the parent when the supply of safe snacks needs to be replenished.
    17. For planned classroom celebrations involving food (ex: Thanksgiving, Holiday etc) teacher will contact parents ahead of time to discuss the menu and what alternatives the parent will provide.
    18. For planned classroom activities involving food, parents must be informed ahead of time. If the food contains an allergen, the parents will be responsible for providing an alternative for their child to use. For students with contact or airborne food allergies, classroom activities involving the allergens will not be allowed.
    19. Students will not be allowed to share food.
    20. Parents may not give food directly to any student who is not their child.
    21. Lunchroom policies on seating will be done on a case-by-case basis.