River Oaks ElementaryIB-PYP Policies
ROE Assessment Policy
PhilosophyIn alignment with the International Baccalaureate Organization, the River Oaks Elementary curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer in and out of the classroom. This inquiry based approach to instruction allows students to ask questions in order to guide their own learning. Assessing the process of inquiry as well as the result of inquiry is recognized as an important objective of the program. Next, teachers record the detail of the inquiry initiated by the students in order to seek an increase in substance and depth (International, 2012). Lastly, River Oaks Elementary is responsible for reporting assessment outcomes to parents. Assessment is different from grading, and ROE recognizes the purpose of assessment is not necessarily to collect a grade. Click here to read the ROE Assessment Policy.
ROE Language Policy
Students, teachers, and staff at River Oaks Elementary are a community of inquirers who use language actively; taking risks as we grow our skills in an atmosphere of trust, collaboration, and rigor. Because language is critical to thinking, learning, inquiry, and communication, we are committed to maximizing the development of our students’ language skills as those skills are evidenced by their listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- We focus on honoring the mother tongue as well as the acquisition of additional languages in order to develop multi-lingual students who are prepared for their roles as global citizens. We honor and celebrate all languages and customs.
- We recognize that language is the vehicle for the questioning, researching, discussing, creating, and reflecting that lead to knowledge in any curricular area.
- We believe that language supports positive personal growth as it is critical to the expression of the attributes of the IB learner profile.
- We recognize that the technological advances of recent decades present new opportunities for learning and communicating and that students must be supported in order to acquire the facility necessary to use these technologies effectively.
Language is the vehicle by which we come together to construct meaning. Therefore, we collaborate to build, nurture, and refine our language practice. In response to experience, needs, and interests, and with respect to our cultural differences, we empower students to listen, speak, read, write, present, and view as they learn language, learn about language, and learn through language. Click here to read the ROE Language Policy.
ROE Inclusion Policy
PhilosophyThe purpose of the Special Needs Policy is to ensure children with special needs at ROE will make progress and grow in confidence in their own giftedness, and to help the students become independent, motivated and life-long learners. Our goal is to create an environment that is respectful of different learning styles and expressions, allowing students to display their knowledge in different ways. Click here to read the ROE Special Needs Policy.
ROE Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy
PhilosophyIn the world of today, it is not only about learning content, but learning tools and skills as well. At River Oaks Elementary we believe that ICT will both enhance these aspects of learning and promote creativity. The successful integration of ICT will provide opportunities to make connections globally and grow as internationally-minded students. Students and teachers will collaborate to develop and broaden this valuable life-long skill. Click here to read the ROE ICT Policy and explore our Digital Toolkit.