    School Nurse: Meagan Thorn         
    Important information from our nurse:


    About Me
    Hello and welcome to Gabriela Mistral CEC! I would like to personally thank you for enrolling your child for the year. My name is Meagan Thorn and I will be the school nurse for the campus. I am on campus Monday-Friday from 7am-3pm. If you have any questions regarding the health of your child or would like to have him/her be evaluated before sending them to school, I am more than happy to help. If it seems that your child cannot attend school for the day after evaluation, I will provide resources and information to ensure you, your child, and family will stay healthy. Thank you again for this opportunity to be involved in your child’s care!  

    Medical Care at School
    If your child has a diagnosed chronic condition such as asthma, food/life threatening allergies, seizures, diabetes, etc. and/or requires medication to be kept on campus please have your child’s physician complete and sign all the necessary forms. All forms must be updated yearly and can be obtained from the nurse.

    • Physician request for dietary restriction - for students with diagnosed food allergies
    • Allergy Anaphylaxis Emergency - students who have anaphylactic reactions
    • Seizure Action Plan - for students who have seizures
    • Asthma Actions Plan - for students with asthma
    • Medication Administration form - for students who require medication to be administered during the school day
    • Diabetic students will need to have their physician provide a Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP)

    Please remember that no treatments and/or medications can be given to your child at school without the PHYSICIAN filling out the appropriate forms and signatures are acquired from both PHYSICIAN AND PARENT.

    The school will contact the parents or those on the emergency contact list if a student becomes ill or suffers an injury. Be sure to list all emergency persons and telephone numbers on your child’s emergency contact card and update throughout the year. Minor injuries such as bruises, scrapes, or small cuts will not be called to the parents.

    A medical referral note will be given if it seems your child must be evaluated further by a physician. The medical referral note must be filled out by the physician. Please return a note from the physician or the completed medical referral to the nurse upon the child’s return to school.

    In the event your child needs to take prescription medication while at school, please have the “Physician’s Request for Administration of Medication” form completed by the PHYSICIAN, signed by the parent, and then returned to the school nurse. This must be completed before medication can be given to your child. The nurse cannot administer over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol or Benadryl.

    Please ensure all medication is in its original packaging and has a pharmacy label. Medication will not be accepted if forms are not completed/updated for the current school year, medication is expired, medication is not in its original packaging, or does not have a pharmacy label attached. Medications not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded appropriately.

    State law and district policy requires written proof of every student’s immunization status. The nurse will assess every 30 days which students are due for vaccines and parents will be notified. After 30 days if the vaccines are not updated the student cannot return to school until he/she receives the appropriate vaccines and documentation has been given to the nurse.

    The following vaccines and doses are required for your child to attend Pre-K:


    Required Doses

    Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP/DTP/DT/Td/Tdap)

    4 doses (One dose must be given on or after 4th birthday)


    3 doses (One dose must be given on or after 4th birthday)

    Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

    2 doses (First dose must be give on or after 1st birthday)

    Hepatitis B

    3 doses


    2 dose (First dose must be given on or after 1st birthday)

    Hepatitis A

    2 doses (First dose must be given on or after 1st birthday)

    Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib)

    3 doses

    Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV-7, PCV-13)

    4 doses


    Medical exemptions for immunizations must be written and signed by the physician explaining the circumstances. Religious or reasons of conscience exemptions must be notarized, and the original must be given to the nurse. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    To request an official exemption affidavit for religious beliefs or reasons of conscience, please visit www.ImmunizeTexas.com and click “School & Child-Care".

    When to Keep Your Child Home
    If your child is experiencing the following symptoms, please keep them home:

    • A fever of 100 degrees or more. Students must be fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours. If your child was given medication such as Tylenol the evening before or morning of school, even for a suspected fever, please do not send them to school.
    • Vomiting or having diarrhea, the child must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
    • A skin rash that has not been diagnosed by a doctor as being noncontagious. The nurse needs a medical release from the doctor for the student to return to school.
    • Untreated inflamed/pink eyes or drainage from eyes, a doctor’s note is required to return to school. If inflammation is due to “allergies,” the doctor must document it.
    • A medical condition that will spread from one person to the next (contagious), for example, the flu, strep throat, Covid-19, chickenpox, infectious pink eye, etc.
    • A live louse (lice) found on your child and/or within the home.

    You can reference the full chart of illnesses and what to have for your child to return to school here.