PTA Officers School Year 2014-2015
    President:           Cruz Garcia
    Vice President:
    Treasurer:           Gloria Ramirez


    Volunteers - We Need You!

    Welcome back to the 2014-2015 school year! There are a host of volunteer needs at Southmayd, and we welcome all parents, grandparents, and guardians to participate in our VIPS (Volunteers in Public Schools Program). Volunteering is a great way to be an active participant in your child’s educational experience. It is a known fact that schools with an active volunteer base are more successful than those without this support. We encourage you to give of your time and expertise.

    When you come to the school to volunteer, please check in at the welcome desk or Main Office and wear an ID badge. If you will be a recurring volunteer, you may have an ID badge made in the attendance office after the first two weeks of school.

    A sampling of areas where Southmayd needs your help include: Library, Book Room, Cafeteria Supervision, Landscaping/Gardening, Field Days, Clinic, Office and Mystery Readers to our boys and girls. Many other areas are listed on the Volunteer Interest Form.

    Check the Southmayd Elementary School Website often for updated volunteer opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact Esmeralda Carrizal (ecarriza@houstonisd.org), Southmayd VIPS Coordinator.