At Mitchell Elementary we firmly believe that "EVERYDAY MATTERS", it is our campus wide goal that every child, teacher and staff member has a 98% attendance rating throughout the school year. We reward these efforts with campus-wide recognition, weekly college popcorn parties, monthly awards and yearly raffles. We will work with each family to ensure that our children are in school everyday because it truly does matter to us.
Students are required to attend school daily. Attendance is taken each day at 9:30 a.m.
The only absences excused are:- Death in the family;
- Personal illness
Each absence must be accompanied by a parent note or doctor's excuse no more than 3 days after an absence which should be turned into the main office.
Frequent absences may result in an attendance referral which would constitute a visit to the home
by an attendance officer.EXCUSED ABSENCES
The only acceptable excuses for absences are personal illness, sickness or death in the family, quarantine, weather or road conditions making travel dangerous, participation in school activities with permission of the principal, and emergencies or unusual circumstances recognized by the principal or administrative designee.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCESA student is considered to have an unexcused absence if he/she does not present a written excuse within three days for one of the reasons stated or is away from school participating in an activity not approved by the district as excusable.Unexcused absences may be reviewed by the principal in determining whether or not to grant a student credit for a class in which the student failed to meet the attendance requirement but who met all other academic requirements for passing. The school shall attempt to notify parents/guardians of all unexcused absences immediately. All unexcused absences are subject to referral to the HISD attendance officer assigned to Mitchell Elementary.School leaders will notify parents regarding patterns with tardies and/or absences.
If you know that your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please notify the office immediately at 713-991-8190. Arrangements will have to be made with the classroom teacher in order to avoid the child missing classroom assignments.
When possible, all medical and dental appointments should be made after classroom hours. Attendance is taken daily at 9:30 a.m. If the student is not present at the time attendance is taken he/she will be counted absent. If the student arrives after attendance is taken and he/she has a doctor’s excuse his/her status will be changed to present. If the student is taken out of school during class time and is not present at 9:30 a.m., the student is marked absent. The parent or authorized person must come to the receptionist desk to pick up the child. If the student is in the building, but not present in the classroom (in the nurse’s office, main office) and sent home, his/her attendance status will be present.
Click here to see the district policy regarding attendance.