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    Mrs. Sweeney

    Grades Taught: PreK and  Kindergarten
    Subject: Kindergarten
    Conference Period: 10:15-10:55
    Phone: 281.983.2800
       Please call during conference period.

    Welcome to Kindergarten!  This is a new and exciting time for you and your child.  It will be a time of change, new surroundings, new friends, new skills and new challenges.   By working together we can make it a happy and rewarding experience.  I am looking forward to partnering with you all this school year for your child's academic success.


    My name is Julia Sweeney and I graduated from the University of Houston in 2000 from the Department of Education with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, specializing in Early Childhood.  This will be my fifteenth year of teaching and my eleventh year of teaching Kindergarten.  


    An essential part of your child’s Kindergarten experience will be parent/teacher communication.  Each day your child will bring home a homework/conduct folder. The folders will consist of a “Sign and Return” side and a “Keep at Home” side, please review all documents and respond appropriately, returning the folder the following school day.


    You may contact me by calling the school office at 281.983.2800 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. and I will return your call as soon as possible.  You may send a note with your child and I will return a response letter in your child's folder. Or if you wish, you can also contact me by my school e-mail address, jsweeney@houstonisd.org 


    Again, I would like to welcome you to Kindergarten; I am looking forward to an exciting year!