• Welcome to Sutton Computer Lab in Room 101
    First of all, I would like to express my warmest welcome to all  students joining Sutton in the new academic year 2022-2023.  Sutton students at Sutton Elementary attend classes in the Computer Lab as part of their Specialist rotations for all grade levels PreK to 5th. They will come to the lab and work on different technology programs throughout the year.  I believe that technology is a vehicle to help students learn, grow, and succeed. I love to be part of that learning. I also believe that part of our students' success is helping them become technologically proficient. In addition, I will reinforce and repeat the rules and proper care of the computers as well as other electronic devices all year round. 
  • Login to Learning.com

    3rd - 5th (60%[3rd grade only] - 70% and up to pass)

    1. The impossible train
    2. Lessons on Learning.com

    3. TELPAS Practice


    1st - 2nd (50% and up to pass)

    1. Lessons on Learning.com



    • Mouse Skill and Keyboarding Skill on my website
    • Activities on Starfall or pbskids



    • Mouse Skill and Keyboarding Skill on Keyboarding Zoo
    • Activities on Starfall or pbskids

Assignment Files

Room 101 Rules

Assessments (BOY/MOY/EOY)

For 2nd grade only

Input / Output Devices on Quizzizz

Enter a join code here to take your BOY, MOY and EOY assessments

For 5th grade only

Computer Basis on Quizzizz

Enter a join code here to take your BOY, MOY and EOY assessments