• Bilingual Education

    Our school offers an instructional program for students who are Spanish speakers and need to enhance their English language skills. This program provides curriculum instruction in Spanish and gradually develops English-speaking skills.

    English as a Second Language (ESL) Education

    Sutton offers an instructional program for students whose home language is something other than English and need to enhance their English language skills. This program will enable English language learners to become competent in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language through the integrated use of second language methods. The ESL program shall emphasize the mastery of English language skills, as well as mathematics, science, and social studies, as integral parts of the academic goals for all students to enable English language learners to participate equitably in school.

    Title I

     Federal Title Programs support schools in the Houston Independent School District by providing opportunities for all children to acquire the knowledge and skills specified in challenging state content and performance standards; supplementing academic, health, and social services; promoting school-wide reform; increasing staff development opportunities; distributing resources to regions and campuses where needs are the greatest; affording parents meaningful opportunities to participate in their children's education; and aligning the schools' instructional efforts with those of the state and school district. 


    Neighborhood / Vanguard GT Program

     These programs are designed to meet the needs of the G/T students in their neighborhood, zoned school or Magnet school.  Vanguard Neighborhood K-12 programs provide a learning continuum that is differentiated by depth, complexity, and pacing. The Vanguard Neighborhood program is designed for G/T students who excel in general intellectual ability in combination with creative/productive thinking and/or leadership ability.