    Cross Country Information Page
    All students must maintain a passing grade and a E or S in conduct.  All students must remember to bring Cross-Country clothes for to every practice(red track t-shirt and black shorts). On October 1st,2nd,3rd I will send an information sheet about t-shirts.   All students will need to be well behaved during practices.  Pick up is at 4:15 for all students.  If the student does not get picked up on time they will be placed in Camp Courgar and will be charged a fee.  

    A three warning system will be given for clothes,behavior, and late pick up. It includes, three warnings that will be given and on the forth warning the student will no longer be in Cross-Country. 

    Cross- Country will meet on the following three days (3:00-4:15pm):
    Tuesday: Third-Fifth grade
    Wednesday: Third-Fifth grade
    Thursday: First and Second grade
    Please refer to the calendar on my page for updated events.
    Tentative Events for the Cross-Country Season:

    1.MarathonKids Kick-off Ceremony Saturday October 26th, 2013
       For more information please visit www.marathonkids.com

    2. Eighth annual Run in the Park Kids 1K Fun Run  Saturday November 9th
         For more information please visit www.hermanpark.org
    3. Sugar Land 28th Annual Turkey Trot Thursday (Thanksgiving day) November 28th, 2013
            For more information please visit www.signmeup.com
     4. Jingle Bell Run Annual Fun Run and walk Sunday December 15th, 2013
             For more information please visit  www.jinglebellrun.org
    5.  MarathonKids Final Lap (Tentatively a Saturday in April): Date to be announced later