College Access Center
Hello! My name Ms. Patricia Cruz and Mr. Winfred Barnes and we are in charge of the college access program at Phillis Wheatley High School that will help students to apply for college. I just want to welcome you to the new school year and provide you with some information on what we will be doing here at Wheatley.
You can also go to HISD's College and Career Readiness Website for additional information.Ms. Cruz and Mr. Barnes, how can you help me?
We work closely with students, helping them step by step in the college process.
- Planning for college
- Choosing the best fit college
- Deciding on which major to choose
- Filling out applications
- Finding scholarships
- Essay writing
- Financial aid (Everybody loves FREE MONEY)
College is an option that is available to any student and it’s never too early to start planning your future!
Ms. Cruz and Mr. Barnes, who will you two work with?
We will spend most of my time working with juniors and seniors, but we are available to work with any student who come to us for help. We not only help with the college process, we also are available to help students who just want to know more information about college. There will be someone in our office full-time, so we are available to help any student whenever they need assistance.
We are super excited to be at Wheatley High School this year and we cannot wait to start interacting with all of you. We are located by the Learning Commons and have an open door policy, so whenever you need help just stop by!