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    ADA Attendance

    The ADA attendance hour is 9:45 AM. In order to be counted present for the entire day, students must be on campus at 9:45 AM. Students who arrive after 9:45 AM will be counted absent.



    Students who have been absent or tardy must bring a note from the parent or guardian within 3 days of returning to school.  Failure to bring a note will result in an unexcused absence.  If a student is absent for more than 5 consecutive days, a note from a doctor is needed.  If excuse notes are turned in for a previous grading cycle that has ended, they will not be accepted.  Parents may also fax the note to  713-847-4706 or email them to MROMAN1@houstonisd.org.  The note should contain the following information:

    • Student’s full name and ID#
    • Date of absence
    • Reason for absence
    • Parent/Guardian name and signature
    • Phone number(s) where parent/guardian can be reached.

    Students arriving late to school must report to the office with a note in the same format as above.


    Excuses for absences and tardies are:

    • Personal illness
    • Illness or death in the family
    • Quarantine
    • Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
    • Participation in school activities with permission of the principal
    • Emergencies or any unusual circumstances recognized by the principal

    Doctor or dentist visits will not count as absences but as excused absence as long as the student brings in an official doctor’s note the same day of the visit and has attended school for any part of the day.



    Leaving Early

    Students must be signed out at the attendance office if they are leaving campus while classes are in session.  Students are only allowed to leave with their parent/guardian or any other person whose name is on file with the school.  Persons who are not listed on the student enrollment card may not check out a student unless a note from the parent has been brought in, faxed, or emailed.  It must include the parent name and number, name of the person picking up the student, and a copy of the parents driver license or another form of picture ID.  All persons checking out a student will be asked to show a valid ID.


    Students leaving early must be signed out before 3pm.

    Students will not be signed out after 3 pm, no exceptions!