• Imagine Lit Imagine Learning+Literacy(ILL) and Imagine Espanol (IE) for English Learners (ELs) on of the district's asynchronous supports for English Language Learner's. ILL aligns with educational standards an strengthens English language proficiency skills students need to become proficient in reading. Imagine Literacy provices English Language Learners with first language support in fifteen languages, as well as explicit instruction in learning English phonemes. EI's should have 60 minutes per week: 15 hours to gain one level of language proficiency on Telpas and 20 hours to show growth on the STAAR test. Imagine Language + Literacy can be accessed through Digital Resources on the HUB.



    Mackin Via   MackinVIA is a program that makes it easy to access your school's digital resources. MackinVIA has e-books and audiobooks. The program is also designed to customize digital books for PreK to the 12th grade.  You can use MackinVia on any desktop, laptop, or mobile device with internet access. If you would like ot download titles to read offline, the free MackinVIA app is available for all major mobile devices. MackinVIA e-books are a great resources for Book Clubs and Literature Circles. MackinVIA can be accessed through Digital Resources on the HUB.



    Rewordify Rewordify simplifies English, such as difficult sentences and improves English through comprehension support. The program uses to track the minutes of reading and words learned. For more information, click the icon to access.