• The Gifted and Talented Department in the Houston Independent School District (HISD) has the primary responsibility of overseeing, supporting, and monitoring the programs for K-12 identified gifted and talented (G/T) students district-wide. Gifted and Talented schools are referred to as Vanguard school in HISD. Vanguard Magnet schools are one choice of magnet programs, just like fine arts or STEM. (Students must meet the entrance criteria of being Gifted and Talented through GT testing and identification).

    The Houston Independent School District provides two program options for Gifted and Talented (G/T) students: 


    • Vanguard Magnet Programs are designed to meet the needs of G/T students in grades K-12.  All applications for the Vanguard Program are processed through the Office of School Choice.  Click here to learn more.  Click here for testing windows, GT application information, resources and more!

    Gifted and Talented Education at ROE

    GT students are clustered together in a way to ensure that there are at least 3 GT students in a classroom. Non-GT students are also in the class as well. We do not distinguish between GT students who attend ROE in the magnet program and zoned GT students, they are intermixed throughout the classes.

    We meet the needs of GT learners through our rigorous IB program and individualized student plans to meet the needs of all learner.  Click here to learn how the IB supports gifted and talented education.
