Gifted and Talented Identification Results



Gifted and Talented Family Information Sessions

  • HISD is hosting family information sessions for enrolled and zoned HISD families to provide an overview of the G/T testing process and services within the district. 

    Acompáñenos en nuestras Sesiones de Información para Familias Dotadas y Talentosas para darle una descripción general del proceso de los exámenes de G/T y los servicios de G/T dentro del distrito. 

    Previous session presentation and recording:

    Video Recording

    PPT Presentation

    PPT Presentation - Spanish

Gifted and Talented Education

  • If your student is Entering Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year and applying for enrollment at a Vanguard Magnet campus, testing can be requested in the fall. Additionally, if your student is currently in grades K-12 and seeking Gifted and Talented identification or attending a school that mandates it for admission, testing may also be requested each fall.
    Si su estudiante ingresa al jardín de infantes para el año escolar 2025-2026 y solicita inscripción en un campus Vanguard Magnet, las pruebas se pueden solicitar en el otoño. Además, si su estudiante se encuentra actualmente en los grados K-12 y busca una identificación de dotados y talentosos, o asiste a una escuela que exige la admisión, también se pueden solicitar pruebas cada otoño.
    The Gifted and Talented Department in the Houston Independent School District (HISD) has the primary responsibility of overseeing, supporting, and monitoring the programs for K-12 identified gifted and talented (G/T) students district-wide. 

    The Houston Independent School District provides two program options for Gifted and Talented (G/T) students: 
    • Gifted and Talented Neighborhood Programs are designed to meet the needs of G/T students in grades K-12 at their neighborhood (zoned) schools.
    • Vanguard Magnet Programs are designed to meet the needs of G/T students in grades K-12 at their Vanguard Magnet school.


    It is important to note that in HISD, the term Vanguard is used synonymously with Gifted and Talented (G/T). The Gifted and Talented Programs are designed for G/T students who excel in general intellectual ability, in combination with creative/productive thinking and/or leadership ability. Both Vanguard Magnet Programs and Gifted and Talented Neighborhood Programs provide a differentiated curriculum by modifying the depth, complexity, and pacing of the general school program.

Family Handbook

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


  • Gifted and Talented Education
    4400 West 18th Street
    Houston, TX 77092
    Telephone: 713-556-6954  

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