About Naviance
Naviance is available to all 6th - 12th grade Houston ISD students and parents! With Naviance, students can find colleges are careers using research tools, career and personality assessments, and College SuperMatch - the leading online college research tool.
Video: Introduction to Naviance
Logging into Naviance:
- Login into Naviance from
- Digital Resources
- clever.com/in/hisd
8th Grade Students
Module 1: Who Am I
- Complete Career Key in Naviance
Module 2: Exploring Endorsements
- Complete Career, Endorsements, in High School Survey in Naviance
Module 3: Distinguished Level of Achievement & GPA
- Complete the Distinguished Level of Achievement & GPA Survey in Naviance
Module 4: Personal Graduation Plan
- Complete Personal Graduation Plan Survey in Naviance
PSAT (8th grade only)
SEL Resources
High School Research
Personal Assistance
The counselors will work very closely with our new Wraparound Specialist this year, Ms. S. Sumbler. She will be providing our students with the non-academic supports necessary to be successful in school, including: access to mental and physical health professionals, food, housing, and more. Please click SAF (Student Assistance Form) if you are in need of assistance. - Login into Naviance from