• Dear Parents:


    Welcome to first grade! I am looking forward to a successful year as we work together for your child’s benefit.


    The following are classroom procedures:


    Homework: Written homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Friday’s homework will be to bring back the conduct folder signed the following Monday. Missed homework will be made up the following day.


    Graded Papers: Graded papers will be sent home every Wednesday, to be signed and return the next day.


    Absences and Tardies: Please send a note with your child stating the reason for each absence or tardy.


    Conduct: A weekly conduct folder will be sent home every Friday. Please sign and return it on the following Monday.

     1. Follow directions.
     2. Be polite and courteous to everyone.
     3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
     4. Transition quickly and quietly.
     5. Be prepared for school.

    Working together as a team will help to assure that your child will have a successful year.


    Respectfully yours,

    Betty Moore