• Information about Enrollment and Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year is Now Available!


    Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year can be started virtually. Click on the tabs to the left to see a list of required documents and forms. Click below to access the 2021-2022 school year enrollment packet. When you have acquired all of the required documents, please fill out the enrollment paperwork and scan over to our SIRS Department. You will not be able to complete enrollment without all of the required documents. Contact Ms. Estrada to confirm enrollment.



    Step 1: FIRST Download the Registration Packet and Health Inventory and Save BEFORE Filling out the form. Please use the following naming convention:

    Registration_Student Last name 

    Health Inventory_ Student Last name


    A. Registration Packet and Health Inventory  

     down   Download the 2020-2021 Thomas MS Enrollment Packet and Data Form


    B. Complete and Save Documents

    Fill out the documents and save the completed documents to your computer as: 

    Registration_Student Last name 

    Health Inventory_ Student Last name


    C. FINAL Step:  Please upload and email ALL documents to Ms. Estrada at Yadira.Estrada@houstonisd.org


    If you have problems, please contact the school at 713.732.3500 x077113.