• 2021-2022 Waltrip High School Cheerleading

     In person tryouts for the 21-22 WHS cheerleading team will be April 16, 2021.


    Save these dates!

    • Tuesday March 30, 2021 at 6pm:  Mandatory Parent/Athlete Tryout Informational Meeting.  Electronic try-out packets will be sent out at this meeting.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE MEETING
    • Thursday April 8, 2021 at 4:30pm:  Electronic Tryout Packets due back to Mrs. Gatica at jennifer.gatica@houstonisd.org
    • Monday April 12 – Thursday April 15 at 4:30 – 6:00pm:  Mandatory Cheer Clinic at Waltrip Gym  (Masks must be worn and district COVID-19 protocols will be enforced)
    • Friday April 16, 2021 at 4:30pm – Cheerleading Tryouts (Masks must be worn and district COVID-19 protocols will be enforced)


    A virtual tryout will be available to any athlete who is in quarantine.

    Please check out our Instagram or Twitter pages for additional information @waltripcheer.

    Email Mrs. Gatica with any questions at jennifer.gatica@houstonisd.org