Learning Today, To Defend Tomorrow.
Steven Shetzer, Principal
Email: sshetzer@houstonisd.org.
Phone: 713-867-5100
Thank you for your interest in HSLJ and welcome to our website. Whether you are a member of our school community or exploring The High School for Law & Justice for the first time, we hope that you find our website informative, enjoyable, and easy to use. We also hope our website conveys the essence of the wonderful learning environment fostered by our dedicated teachers and talented students. Together they make HSLJ the unique and special place we believe it to be. Read More...
HSLJ Ambassadors take you on a virtual tour of our campus.
2020 National Blue Ribbon School Winner!
Are you in need of wraparound services? Complete the Student Assistance Form, and our Wraparound Specialist or Counselor will assist you.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM TACRAO college fair
8:00 AM PSAT 9th - 11th Grade
3505 Coyle Houston, TX 77003 713-867-5100 fax: 713-802-4600Accessibility
High School for Law and Justice (HSLJ)
3505 Coyle Houston, TX 77003
fax: 713-802-4600