Berry Dress Code
Berry’s school community has set high standards for appropriate school attire and personal cleanliness. The students’ appearance can influence behavior and affect the learning environment. Below are the required uniform guidelines:
Green Yellow Blue Jeans Khaki Khaki Khaki KhakiPolo Shirt with Collar Polo Shirt Uniform Pants Skirts Jumper Shortswith CollarShirts
Pants & shorts
Berry Elementary Green or Yellow Polo Shirt with Collar
Plain khaki uniform style
Sneakers or closed shoes
No decorations
No sandals
Must wear a belt
Must wear socks
Blue jeans
Laces must be tied
No cargo pants
(pants with several pockets)
Toes cannot be exposed
- Chain/necklace is limited to one small to medium in size
- Girls – no large hoop earrings (must be smaller than a quarter)
- No high heel shoes or flip-flops
Grooming Habits
- Hair must be neat, clean, and well-groomed. Hair style/color must not create disruptions or distractions nor disrupt the view of the child. No shaved hair designs are allowed. Extreme hair styles which include hair that is dyed an unnatural color (green, orange, etc.).
- Make-up and acrylic nails are not allowed to be worn at school.
- Caps and head coverings may not be worn in the school building.
Students not wearing the school uniform must call home to parents in order to have a change of clothing brought to school. Students will not be allowed in the classroom until they are dressed accordingly in uniform.
We want to encourage parents to donate your child’s gently used school uniforms that your child no longer wears to Berry. With your uniform donations, we will establish an exchange program at Berry which will assist other families in meeting Berry’s uniform requirements.
Appropriateness of clothing and hairstyles will be determined by school administrators.