    HCC logo
    What is (dual-credit)?
    Dual Credit classes are classes where students are enrolled at Furr and at Houston Community College at the same time and earn grades and credits for the same class at each institution. Students can graduate with an Associate’s degree or a Level 1 certificate, complete the 42-hour University Core, or just begin to accumulate academic college credits. The successfully completed HCC core credits will transfer to other Texas colleges (two-year and four-year). Some credits might also be accepted outside of Texas, please check with your university's admissions office to see what will transfer. 
    How do I get into dual credit classes?
    9th Grade: Start preparing your 9th grade year by not missing classes and try to make all A's and B's in your classes. While you are learning and gaining skills you also need to practice for the TSI exam. You must pass the TSI reading, writing, and math exams in the fall of your 10th grade year to be accepted or score highly on your STAAR tests*. Here are are some TSI Practice Resources. Please also work with your Math & English teachers in 9th grade to help you prepare for the TSI exam. We will pay for your TSI exams and re-tests. 
    10th Grade: You must complete a waiver signed by your parent, a Houston Community College application, and obtain your HCC “W number” by May 30 to enroll in summer classes. Classes will start summer of 
    your 10th grade year and then will be during the normal school year 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. 
    What dual credit programs are offered at Furr? 
    Furr High School offers dual credit classes to all qualified students, as well as a distinct accreditation program:
    - Futures Academy
    What if I start in the Futures Academy and do not finish all the credits for the Associate’s degree ?
    You may choose to transfer the credits to another two year or four-year college or you may continue at HCC to complete the degree. Summer bridge courses may be offered at Furr to help you complete your associates degree.

    HISD futures logo


    Futures Academy (Associate Degree)

    Qualified students begin as sophomores towards completion of an Associate of Arts in Science (60 credit hours).  This is a rigorous program that requires students to take multiple college classes in academic core subjects for dual credit throughout the school year and to attend summer classes as rising juniors and seniors.  Students take the following courses:


    Summer (10th Grade)

    Fall (11th Grade)

    Spring (11th Grade)

    EDUC 1300: Learning Framework - COLL TRAN A or B DCH

    ENGL 1301: Composition I ENG 3A-1301 DCH

    ENGL 1302: Composition II ENG 4B-1301 DCH

    SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology SOCIOLOGY-DCH

    PSYC 2301: General Psychology  PSYCH-DCH 2301           -OR-

    DRAM 1310: Introduction to Theater



    HIST 1301: United States History I US HIST A - DCH

    HIST 1302: United States History II US HIST B - DCH


    ANTH 2351: Cultural Anthropology - SPTSS 4B – DCH

    ANTH 2301: Introduction to Physical Anthropology 


    Summer (11th Grade)

    Fall (12th Grade)

    Spring (12th Grade)

    ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation ART APP A DCH                                                          

    PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy -SPTSS 1 DCH

    PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics  SPTSS 2 DCH

    CHEM 1305: Introductory Chemistry I

    SCIR &D 2

    GOVT 2305: Federal Government US GOV DCH

    GOVT 2306: Texas Government SPTSS 3 DCH

    SPCH 1315: Public Speaking PUB SPK 1A or B DCH

    CHEM 1311: General Chemistry I (Lecture)  AND CHEM 1111: General Chemistry I (Lab) SCIR&D 3 A


    CHEM 1412: General Chemistry II (Lecture and Lab) SCIR&D 3 B


    ENGL 2332: World Literature I ENG 4A-1301 DCH

    ENGL 2333: World Literature II ENG 4B-1301 DCH


    MATH 1314: College Algebra -INSMTH DCH A

    COSC 1436: Computer Science 

    How do I get into Futures Academy?

    You can apply through the Houston ISD magnet website or if you are a current Furr student you can sign up to take the the TSI exam in October of your 10th grade year.  See Ms. Endsley in room 234 for more information or questions.