Attention Parents:
School Choice Notifications went out on 3/26
Offers sent on 3/26 will expire on 4/9 - Act Now!
Trouble logging into your account?
Email the Office of School Choice at SchoolChoice@houstonisd.org
Call the Office of School Choice at 713-556-6734
Need to use a computer at Marshall? Or need help from the Marshall Magnet Coordinator?
Email Laura.Mathus@houstonisd.org or call 713-226-2600 to schedule an appointment
Other Important Information:-
Accepting a seat WILL NOT remove you from the waitlist of a HIGHER-ranked school.
Accepting a seat WILL remove you from all LOWER-ranked schools.
Offers sent on 3/26 will expire on 4/9!
Offers sent after 3/26 will expire 5 calendar days after the offer was made.
You MUST sign the Entrance Agreement and upload a CURRENT bill or lease (proof of residency) before you can accept a seat.
All uploads will be verified and confirmed before a transfer is deemed valid.
You MUST be present on the first day of school (2024-2025) in order for your transfer to stay valid.