Dear Parents:
Did you know your child might be eligible to receive free benefits and services? By completing the HISD National School Meal application your child may qualify for free or reduced price school meals and other benefits including reduced school fees. Children who eat healthy, nutritious meals daily are more likely to succeed in the classroom. HISD offers healthy breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snacks every school day.
So here’s what to do!
1. Complete a meal application form available from your campus and return it to your school’s office as soon as possible. Or, for faster processing, online applications can be completed at www.mealapps.houstonisd.org. After processing the application, you will be notified by mail of your child’s eligibility for free or reduced price school meals.
Reminder: If your student is new or was not eligible for free or reduced price meals at the end of the previous school year (2011-2012), you must pay for meals until your student’s application has been approved for the new school year.
2. If your child is approved for free or reduced meals, please contact your school to learn more about other possible benefits including:
- after school tutorials
- supplemental educational materials
- college preparatory tours
- fee waivers for the college tests (ACT & SAT)
- fee waivers for university entrance exams and applications
- college scholarships and financial aid
How does HISD benefit from my application?
Please provide the completed form whether or not your child intends to participate daily in the Free and Reduced Price Meal Program. Each year your tax dollars provide the district with state and federal funding to provide a variety of services to our students. The funds for these services are given to the district based on the percentage of students eligible for free or reduced price school meals. If you want to ensure that your children are receiving the greatest benefit possible from these tax dollars, then completing this form is an easy way of reaching that goal and doing what is best for you and your children.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Your child and all children in HISD will benefit from this action.