Integrated Physics & Chemistry; Pre-AP Integrated Physics & Chemistry
Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of chemistry and physics. Students begin by learning the metric system and how to convert units within the metric system. The students learn to distinguish between physical and chemical properties and changes. Subatomic particles, the formulation of compounds and balancing equations are part of the introduction to chemistry Students are also introduced to classical physics with emphasis on problem solving and manipulation of algebraic equations. Topics involving mechanics, Newton's laws, conservation of energy, the use of simple machine, waves, and oscillations, electricity and magnetism, circuits and optics are investigated with an emphasis ont eh mathematical relationship and hands-on manipulation.
Students obtain the knowledge of scientific processes such as collecting data, observationi, analysis of results and inferring conclusion through the proper use of instrumentation and laboratory field investigation.
Biology; Pre-AP Biology
Biology is the study of the structure, growth, and function of life systems of selected organisms. This laboratory-oriented course will encompass historical contributions to biological concepts; energy production, transfer, and use in living system; and the interrelatedness of organisms with each other and with environments.
Students acquire data using their senses and instrumentation. Observations are made of living organisms in the environment, prepared specimens, various ecosystems, and inherited traits. Student investigations emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, data analysis, and the safe manipulation of laboratory apparatus and materials in the field and the laboratory.Chemistry; Pre-AP Chemistry
Chemistry is the study of the structure, composition, and behavior of matter. It is a laboratory-oriented course that stresses observation of matter, classification of matter, measurement of chemical quantities, manipulation of chemical investigations, and prediction of chemical phenomena. The laboratory investigations emphasize the safe manipulation of laboratory apparatus and materials, accurate observations, data collection and analysis, and the communication of data through formal lab reports. The topics covered in Chemistry include: scientific measurement, matter and change, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, chemical periodicity, chemical bonding, chemical formulas of elements and compounds, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, representative gases, aqueous solutions, acids/bases, and oxidation-reduction reactions.
Physics; Pre-AP Physics
Physics is the study of interactions between matter and energy in teh physical world. Students will be introduced to Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics, wave phenomena, the nature of light and basic principles of electricity and magnetism. During laboratory investigations, students will use technology to collect and analyze data with accuracy and precision. This algebra-based course emphasizes using mathematics to help understand relationships among concepts such as acceleration, force, work and energy.
Advanced Placement Biology
AP Biology is the study of general biological principles as well as the more specialized biological sciences. Cytology, biochemistry, developmental biology, genetics, ecology, taxonomy, and various aspects of adaptation are integrated within this laboratory-oriented course. Relationship and applications of concepts within and among the various sciences are explored. As an advanced course, Biology AP has as recommended prerequisites Biology and Chemistry I. Biology AP and Chemistry may be taken concurrently.
Students acquire data by using their senses and instrumentation. Student investigations should emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, data analysis, and the safe manipulation of laboratory apparatus and materials in the laboratory and field.Advanced Placement Chemistry
Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry is a fast-paced, challenging course that integrates general and specialized areas of chemistry concepts with quantitative and qualitative analysis. The topics covered in this course include the study of matter, chemical measurements, stoichiometry, aqueous solutions, prediction of chemical reactions, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, electronic structure, periodic properties, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theories, gases, intermolecular forces, liquids, and solids. Laboratory investigations that support these topics emphasize accurate observations of chemical reactions and substances, analysis of unknowns, recording of data, calculating and interpreting results based on the quantitative data obtained, and communicating the results of experimental work. As an advanced course, AP Chemistry has recommended prerequisites of Chemistry and Physics; the latter may be taken concurrently with AP Chemistry.
Advanced Placement Physics
AP Physics is an in-depth study of physical concepts and principles encountered in Physics. Specifically, Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics, wave phenomena, nature of light, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum physics will be covered. Laboratory investigations will be conducted in teh various areas. As an advanced course, AP Physics has recommended prerequisites of Physics and Chemistry; the latter may be taken concurrently with AP Physics.
Scientific Research and Design
The Scientific Research and Design course at Sam Houston MSTC provides students in their senior year with the opportunity to conduct an original science research project. Students will be introduced to the reading and critiquing of scientific literature, will obtain hands-on experience learning basic experimental methods in a research laboratory, collecting and analyzing data, while working on an original research project. Students present their research to a panel of experts at the end of the year, learning and using professional presentation methods such as PowerPoint graphics. They must also prepare a written presentation prior to the oral presentation, both of which are used in determining their course grade. The course fulfills two advanced measures towards the Distinguished Achievement Program. Students interested in the course should have a good chemistry background, be interested in research as a possible career, and be extremely self-motivated.