Welcome to Science Class!I am Mr. Brotherton and I welcome your child to my science class this year. If you need to contact me, you can call 713-778-3380 and schedule a meeting, or feel free to e-mail me at kbrother@houstonisd.org.
Course: 6th,7th,8th GRADE SCIENCE
Teacher: Mr.Brotherton
Year: 2015/2016
Course Description:
Science is a course designed to provide instruction in the areas of physics, chemistry, earth, and life sciences. While using the school textbook and materials that supports 6th,7th,and 8th grade science, the students will be working on a daily basis on warm-ups, assignments, quizzes, tests, paper work, journals, intensive vocabulary studies, on-line research, audiovisuals, use of electronic devices, use of lab equipment, projects, laboratories, and tutorials. This course is developed according to the HISD curriculum and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science (TEKs).
6th grade Science Curriculum
First Six-weeks (August 26 to October 4, 2013)
Unit 1. Classification of Matter
Unit 2. Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids
Second Six-Weeks (October 7 to November 8, 2013)
Unit 3. Chemical Changes and Density
Unit 4. Energy Introduction
Third Six-Weeks (November 11 to December 20, 2013)
Unit 5. Thermal Energy.
Unit 6. Energy Resources.
Fourth Six –Weeks (January 7 to February 14, 2014)
Unit 7. Force and Motion
Unit 8. Simple Machines
Fifth Six-Weeks (February 17 to April 4, 2014)
Unit 9. Rock Cycle
Unit 10. Plate Tectonics
Unit 11. Space and Science
Sixth Six-Weeks (April 7 to May 23)
Unit 12. Cells
Unit 13. Classifying Organisms
Unit 14. Ecosystems
Norms are consistent and efficient patterns of behavior that make the classroom a safe productive learning environment. The students must:
- Be respectful at all times
- Arrive to class with all their supplies ready to learn
- Comply with HISD and Jane Long Middle School policies
- Follow classroom procedures: write the lesson objectives and/or homework in the student agenda; keep and updated and organized binder; take notes in composition science notebook; follow the laboratory safety rules and procedures; complete all the classroom or lab activities; finish all the classroom assignments on time; participate in classroom discussions, labs, and activities; and turn in homework, assignments, and projects on time.
· Level I infraction: Classroom disruption, excessive talking, inappropriate language, constantly off-task, and disrespectful behavior.
1. Verbal redirection.
2. Teacher Conference with the student.
3. Parent contact
4. Student detention
5. Student conference with Professional Learning Community
6. Parent Contact / Parent meeting with Professional Learning Community
7. Administrative Referral/Action
· Levels, II, III, and IV will receive an immediate Office Referral for administrative action.
After school tutorials will take place Tuesdays from 3:25 – 4:25 pm.
2 Packages Notebook Paper
1 Package of graph paper
2 ruled Composition Notebooks
1 1½ Three-Ring Binder
1 Set of Dividers
2 Highlighters
2 boxes of colored pencils
Several pencils
1 Pencil Sharpener
4 Glue Sticks
1 white out
Several Blue and Black Pens
I ruler (30 cm)
1 bottle of glue (white 4 FL
Science homework will be provided on a daily basis. Homework assignments will be posted on the following school website: http://hisd.schoolwires.net
If you would like to set up a time to meet with the 6th grade team, please contact the front office at G (713) 778-3380. The 6th grade team will be available for conferencing by appointment only.
- Be respectful at all times