; As per HISD GKG1 Policy, all HISD schools are required to use the VIPS/RAPTOR Volunteer Management system to track volunteers who are regularly providing services for, or on behalf of, HISD. Being a volunteer may require you to volunteer for a single trip or event, on the premises of District property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property.
You will be required to register online each school year in VIPS/RAPTOR online application and agree to the annual background check. All volunteers must pass an annual criminal background check before volunteering at any HISD school. HISD reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse and/or restrict an individual’s access as an HISD volunteer based on an individual’s criminal history, in accordance with applicable law and HISD policy, including HISD Policy GKG.
Complete the online volunteer orientation and review all necessary acknowledgments (Receipt of handbook, Code of Civility, and Code of Ethics and Confidentiality Statement).
Complete the VIPS Volunteer Application in Raptor 6 and agree to the Annual Background Check. You will be able to select the school(s) where you wish to volunteer and identify activities that you would like to participate in at the campus.
Once your application is completed you will receive a confirmation of receipt email from donotreply@raptortech.com. Your background will be processed within 3-5 business days.
Once you are APPROVED you will receive an approval email from donotreply@raptortech.com email regarding your approved status. You will have the option to create your own personal Raptor Portal Volunteer Account to be able to track your volunteer hours.
You are all set to volunteer in any HISD school for the current school year. Enjoy knowing your investment of time and interest is making a difference for students!
VIPS Training
Charger Camp - Parent Volunteers
- All parents must be VIPS approved and scanned using Raptor each day. All visitors are required to wear their visitor's badge while on campus.
VIPS Volunteer Orientation Training - Overview (houstonisdpsd.org)
- Masks are required while in the building.
- All parents must be VIPS approved and scanned using Raptor each day. All visitors are required to wear their visitor's badge while on campus.