•  Welcome to Ms. Remer's 4th Grade Class!
     Image result for rocket clipart
    You are now one of Ms. Remer's Rockets! We are going to soar to new heights with our learning this year!
    As always, feel free to contact me at aremer@houstonisd.org with any questions or concerns.

    11:38 - 12:08  Lunch and Recess

    2:00 - 2:50  Enrichment Period
    Monday: Music   Tuesday: Art   Wednesday: Music   Thursday: P.E.   Friday: P.E.
    2:50 - 3:20  Homeroom/Dismissal
    This includes packing up, and getting prepared for the end of the day.

    Special Times to Remember:

    Computer Lab: Fridays 8:10 - 9:00

    Library: Fridays 1:20 - 1:50