• Owl Take Care Of You
    Alicia Jackson, B.S.N., R.N.
    Office: 713-295-5258
    Fax:  713-556-8987
    Lovett Families and Students,
    I am your liaison for all student health care needs here at Lovett. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.
    This site will  keep you informed of the latest updates and information, along with resources available to assist you.
    If you need assistance with any of the following, please contact me, via email or phone:
    •  obtaining HISD forms for medication at school, food allergy, asthma, and dietary accommodations
    •  obtaining a copy of your child's latest immunization record
    •  obtaining a copy of your child's eye glass prescription if you participated in the UH Eye Clinic field trip
    •  psycho-social intervention - emotional support  for your student
    • IMMUNIZATIONS  All new and returning students, registered with HISD and attending Lovett,  are required to have compliant  immunization records on file.  If you are a current student, and received immunizations since last year, please email your updated record to the school nurse.  If you are new to Lovett, please email a copy of your current immunization record to the school nurse.  Texas and HISD Requirements for immunizations: Immunization Requirements
    • HEALTH INVENTORY AND REQUEST FOR FOOD ALLERGY INFORMATION   All students need to complete and turn in a current Health Inventory and Food Allergy Information form at the beginning of each school year.  These forms provide important information to the school nurse regarding the student's health and wellness.  Completed forms can be emailed to the nurse or dropped off at the front desk.  Health Inventory    Food Allergy Information
    • MEDICATIONS  Please complete all paperwork in anticipation of returning to school.  No medications are permitted at school without health care provider authorization. All students requiring medications at school must have the following forms on file.  These forms must be updated annually.  All medications require physician authorization, including over the counter, and are kept in the nurses office.  Completed forms can  be emailed to the school nurse or dropped off at the front office. Medication at School Consent (required for all medications)   Asthma Medication (required for all inhalers, etc) Asthma Action PlanAnaphylaxis/Allergy Medication (required for EPI, etc) Allergy and Anaphylaxis
    • DIET AND NUTRITION  Required if your child needs a special diet or has food allergies. Please complete even if your child does not eat meals at school. Dietary Accomodations 
    • Any student with viral illness related symptoms, including fever, vomiting, diarrhea,  MUST stay home.  
    • Strep infections of any kind, untreated ringworm, conjunctivitis, or impetigo.  These are contagious infections and should be treated with medications for a  least 24  hours before returning to school.
    • Rash of unknown origin - this may indicate many different things and should be checked by your pediatrician
    • Untreated lice infestation - once treated, children are permitted back in class as long as no live lice are noted.
    Students are advised to stay at home if suffering from active illness in order to protect other students and staff from possible virus/disease transmission. Students should remain at home until their illness is resolved.  Parents are encouraged to report all confirmed/suspected contagious diseases to the school nurse.
    Texas Law mandates that certain screenings are done on students in public schools.  At Lovett, all new students, PK, K, and students in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade are screened for Vision, Hearing, and  Acanthosis Nigricans (AN).  AN is a skin marker that is associated with insulin problems and is considered a risk for Type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
    These screenings are generally done during the fall semester. 5th grade girls will be screened for scoliosis.  If any problems are identified, a referral letter is sent home to the parents for follow-up.
    Any new students in grades 2 and 4 will also be screened.
    Parents can also request a screening if they have any concerns, particularly with vision or hearing.
    Please consider placing a change of weather-appropriate clothes for your child in his/her backpack. I have a LIMITED supply of clothing items that have been kindly donated by parents to offer to students who need a change of clothes during the school day.  If your child brings these donated clothes home, please launder them and return them to the clinic.  Thank you for your assistance.




    Please feel free to contact the Lovett Nurse, Alicia Jackson, if you have any questions.