CIS places a full-time social service provider on the school campus to deliver a variety of programming and provide referrals to other agencies as needed. Whether it is eye glasses, tutoring, or just a safe place to live, the CIS program manager is there to help. CIS provides supportive guidance and counseling to students in need of additional support in individual or group settings. CIS believes that when basic needs are met, students can concentrate on learning.
CIS connects students and their families to critical community resources tailored to fit their needs. Each year CIS provides approximately 15,000 referrals to students to nearly 400 local agencies to meet their wide-ranging needs.
Tailored to the needs of the individual campus, CIS designs a service model to bring the Four Basics to the campus. Students demonstrating the greatest need receive intensive case management and the rest of the campus is served on an as-needed basis.
In addition, CIS conducts a number of special programs to meet the varying needs of our students
Mental Health Initiative
The Mental Health program provides students in crisis with interventions that alleviate emotional and behavioral challenges, enhance coping skills, improve student emotional and physical health, and in turn, scholastic achievement. Children in need of counseling services are identified by referrals from school principals and teachers, parents, and by the CIS staff
CIS Summer Youth Employment Program
Two unique opportunities allowed CIS students to intern in the legal and nursing professions during the summer, exposing them to a world of opportunity and success, which they would not otherwise experience.
- The Houston Bar Association/CIS Summer Legal Internship served high school juniors and seniors this past summer, with 24 law firms participating in the program. These students spent 8 weeks experiencing sophisticated work environments in downtown Houston, expanding their career opportunities and their vision of success.
- The CIS Nursing Internship Program partnered with St. Luke’s Episcopal and Methodist Hospitals to train CIS high school seniors in the nursing profession. During the summer of 2013, senior students participated in the Methodist Hospital’s Certified Nurse Aid (CNA) nursing externship and in the St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital’s Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program. This program allows students to complete a state certification, which allows them to work in the nursing field.
Emergency Needs Program
The emergency fund is used to meet real needs of students and families living in poverty; these needs range from food and clothing, to school supplies and utility assistance, to vision exams and corrective lenses. The emergency fund receives significant financial support from Christ Church Cathedral, as well as other generous donors.
CIS Provides...- A healthy start and a healthy future - Mental Health Counseling, Family Strenghthening Initiatives, Drug and Alcohol Eudcation, Immunizations, Pregnant & Parenting Teen Support.
- A marketable skill to use upon graduation - Summer Employment Programs, College Preparation and Scholarship Opportunities
- A chance to give back to peers and the community - Community Service Opportunities, Peer Tutoring, Peer Mentoring
CIS in a non-profit organization that has served student in the Houston area since 1979. With programs in 95 schools in the Aldine, Alief, Houston, and Spring Branch school districts, we offer our students and thier families services that meet real needs and provide real opportunities.
If you are intereste din enrolling your child in the CIS program, please contact CIS at:
Worthing High School
9215 Scott St
Houston, TX 77051
Phone 713-733-3433

Room 1022, Student ServicesTelephone: 713-733-3433Fax: 713-731-5537