C.A.S.E.Y Club ProgramC - CultivateA - AdviseS - SupportE - EmpowerY - YouthPurpose
- To create and foster a career path to become a Firefighter/EMT in high school Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors
- There was no branding nor was there a structured program created to concentrate on groups of diverse students heading to graduation and embarking on their careers
- To embed a brand and a structured program
- To remove the myth that firefighters only fight fires, and we will be able to highlight all areas of a career in the fire service
- To consistentlly engage with students to find interested candidates
- To build self-esteem, social and behavioral skills, encourage and foster students to be good citizens and great role models among their peers
7 to 9 Meetings per School YearSeptember - Recruitment - Overview of the programOctober thru November - What it takes to be a firefighter, expectations and Fire FestDecember thru February - Introduction to other areas of Fire Service CareersMarch thru May - FIre/EMT Community College Presentations and Tours, Val Jahnke Training Academy, and/or Fire Station tours
What does it mean for you?- Take charge of your career/future
- Good Citizen and Great Role Model
- Earn Volunteer Hours
- Member of a Club/Brotherhood - Sisterhood
- Field Trips
- Get Casey Club Program giveaways