Energy Theme
Energy Institute High School is a school wide Magnet program that integrated Energy into the campus curriculum. Each year students are placed into a cohort of science, humanities, and engineering classes to create projects based on energy.
Students are exposed to the energy theme through guest speakers, field trips, summer camps, competitions, clubs, and more! They begin their experience at Energy by participating in a summer bridge program that introduces them to the school and to the energy theme. Students spend two days at Camp Cullen where they are able to meet the other students, teachers, faculty, and student ambassadors in a collaborate and fun environment. Students participate in many team building activities and visit a rock quarry to gain exposure to the geoscience strand of Energy. During the remainder of the week, students experience the offshore technology strand and alternative energy strand through activities and competitions on college campuses, a visit to an energy company, and a trip to the Weiss Energy Hall at the Museum of Natural Science. When school starts, students are ready to hit the ground running!
Once the school year begins students are constantly involved in special learning opportunities specifically related to the ENERGY theme. There are two guest speakers each month. Past guest speakers have included:- Annell Bay, Senior VP, Global Exploration, Marathon Oil
- Sara Ortwein, President of ExxonMobil Upstream Research
- Jim Geary, Senior Exploration Geologist, Cobalt International
- Mike Lunceford, Vice President - Engineering at Pedernales Energy
- Dr. Brandan Dugan, Professor, Rice University - Engineering Geologist and Marine Geology
- Randall Luthi, President, National Ocean Industries
- and many, many more.
Students attend approximately six school-wide field trips each year. In addition to those field trips, there are many other smaller field trips throughout the year. Past field trips have included:- Women in the Fast Lane Lunch and Fashion Show
- 3D Camp at UH
- Viva Technology Field trip
- Energy Day
- Ocean Star Rig Museum and Career Expo
- Pumps & Pipes 7: Explorations Symposium