Energy Institute High School is committed to developing symbiotic relationships with our partners that will provide real world project connections, relevant field experiences, industry certification opportunities, and internships. Learners will also participate in energy-focused competitions. Our partners will regularly engage through judging panels, in consultant roles on projects, and serve as learning mentors for students. Through critical collaborative partnerships and an industry support model, EIHS learners will leverage lifelong, positive relationships with the wider community, providing a truly limitless educational experience.If you are interested in partnering with Energy, we have a number of opportunities for companies and community members to get involved:
- Guest Speaker Series
- Field Trip Sponsorship
- Externships
- Panel Judges for Final Projects
- Mentorship
- College Scholarships
- Advisory Board Membership
- Donations to our Friends of Energy Institute non-profit
If you are interested in developing a partnership with Energy Institute, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Harris at elizabeth.harris@houstonisd.org or 713-802-4620.