Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC) at Pershing
Our campus Shared Decision-Making Model (SDM) is designed to establish, monitor, and evaluate goals for budgeting, staffing, curriculum, planning, school organization, staffing patterns, and staff development. This model is aligned to state legislation and HISD board policy. The intention of the SDMC is to pull together our community in a constructive, organized, and unified body to enhance the education of all students.
The SDMC is the shared decision-making body. Professional staff representatives are elected by the faculty. Principal determines number of classroom teachers; then, assigns half that number to school-based staff. This complies with 2/3 - 1/3 rule for professional staff. In addition, the committee must have one non-instructional staff, one business member, at least two parents and at least two community members. Parents are elected by the PTO, PTA or PACS membership.
The Council meets monthly and as needed to discuss issues brought forth by the administration, staff, parents, or community. It is supported by standing committees that address budgeting, staffing, curriculum, planning, school organization, staffing patterns, and staff development. Standing committees meet as needed. Parents are encouraged to serve on standing committees.
The SDMC functions under the direction of the Principal. Members of the SDMC attend SDMC meetings for the term of his/her office, monitor the implementation of the School Improvement Plan, address issues presented by the principal, present issues for discussion and recommend resolutions to the SDMC, create ad hoc committees by consensus of the SDMC, chair standing committees and ad hoc committees, submit minutes to the principal for committee meetings, and report the recommendations to the SDMC. The SDMC is responsible for approving all professional development plans for the school.
The Principal coordinates the process of shared decision making, facilitates communication for all stakeholders, considers issues and recommendations from the community, SDMC, and standing committees, and makes decisions based on those recommendations.
Shared Decision Making Process
Consensus is the ultimate goal of the SDMC. Agreement by all participants is not always possible or necessary for consensus. Consensus is a collective process that provides a forum for full dialogue on appropriate/applicable responses to issues.
Members of the committees discuss and make recommendations to the SDMC. The SDMC reviews recommendations and reaches consensus. Sufficient consensus is defined as a willingness to settle an issue in favor of the majority. All points of view will be considered and general agreement must be reached before decisions will be implemented. If general agreement is not reached, further study of the issue will occur and alternatives will be presented until agreement is reached. After all alternatives have been explored, a deadlock can be broken by a majority vote. As issues come up for discussion, the chairperson is responsible for ensuring that all present have a legitimate opportunity to state their case. The principal retains the authority to exercise a veto over decisions made by the SDMC.
Method of Communications
Members of the school community may submit non-personnel issues for consideration through the shared decision-making process. Written issues or concerns are submitted to any SDMC member or placed in the SDMC box located in the main office. A school community member may attend a meeting of any committee to discuss or present an issue. All meetings are on the monthly calendar. The SDMC delivers issues to appropriate standing committees for action. Communications from all committees is transmitted to faculty, staff, and parents.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
*All meetings are from 4:15 - 5:30
September 11, 2024 (Quarter 1 Meeting)
December 11, 2024 (Quarter 2 Meeting)
March 18, 2025 (Quarter 3 Meeting)
May 12, 2025 (Quarter 4 Meeting)
SDMC Members 2023-2024
Name Position Term Date Dr. Alvin Goldman Principal/Chair 6/1/2025 Alberto Fernandez School-Based Staff 6/1/2025 Martha Daniel Teacher 6/1/2025 Sara Lyons Teacher 6/1/2025 Yasin Puertas Teacher 6/1/2025 Dave Snook Teacher 6/1/2025 Yasin Puertas Teacher 6/1/2025 2023-2024 Meeting Agendas and Minutes
June 27th
ARCHIVE: 2023-2024 Meeting Dates Agendas and Minutes