Pershing Middle School

A Fine Arts Magnet School


Welcome to Pershing Middle School

  • Domiana Battah-Miari, Principal 

    I am beyond ecstatic to serve and lead Pershing Middle School. I am passionate about creating positive, collaborative learning environments. I am eager to bring my vision of servant leadership to our school community. My daily focus will be visiting classrooms and supporting teachers to implement high-quality instruction, so all students succeed. I aim to implement strategies that emphasize open communication, collaborative problem-solving, and continuous improvement to enhance the well-being of our students. Further, I am committed to working closely with ALL students, staff, parents, and community partners to ensure every voice is heard and valued. I firmly believe that the strength of a school lies in its community, and I am fully dedicated to fostering an inclusive culture where everyone feels empowered to contribute to the success of our students.
    Warm regards,

    Domiana Battah-Miari
    Pershing Middle School Houston ISD

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