Bus Transportation
HISD provides transportation for eligible students who attend their zoned schools of attendance, magnet or majority-to-minority programs, or special education programs. To find out whether your child is eligible for transportation to Longfellow, visit the Student Eligibility channel of the HISD Transportation Services web site.
Bus Routing/Scheduling
Bus Routing and Scheduling: 713-676-9218
HISD provides bus service for eligible regular-education students who submit requests to their campus transportation coordinators and have them approved by the Transportation Services Department. Bus stops for most regular-education students will be located at HISD campuses that are within one mile of the student's residence, but no further than two miles. The parent or legal guardian of a student who qualifies for bus service is responsible for transportation, if needed, to the student’s assigned bus stop.
If a special-needs student's Individualized Education Plan requires transportation services for a free and appropriate public education, HISD provides district bus service to the closest available program that meets the student's needs.
The parent or legal guardian of a student who does not qualify for bus service is responsible for the student’s transportation, if needed, to the assigned campus.
METRO introduced the “Q Card,” replacing all previous student frequent ridership programs. With the new “Q Card,” all elementary-school (over the age of 6) through high-school students will receive a 50-percent discount. The “Q Card” is the only means by which students will receive discounted fares and free transfers. The “Q Card” can be considered as an electronic wallet for METRO riders. Fares will be automatically deducted from the card each time it is used, just like a debit card. The “Q Card”(Q stands for “quick”) provides faster boarding, tracks riders’ progress toward earning five free trips for every 50 paid rides, and protects balances (provided the card is registered) if the card is ever lost or stolen. For complete details, call the METROLine at 713-635-4000 or visit the Web site at www.ridemetro.org.
For information about eligibility and bus stops, contact our campus transportation coordinator, Ms. A. Johnson at 713-295-5268 ext. 115 or consult the Transportation Services Department Web site.