If you are experiencing difficulty with the online tools, please document the issue and complete the processes as soon as possible.
Feedback and Development Tool
Appraisers can:
- Create feedback and development documents including teacher development plans, feedback forms, and conference forms
- Maintain feedback and development documents including teacher development plans, feedback forms, and conference forms
Teachers can:
- Create feedback and development documents including teacher development plans, feedback forms, and conference forms
- Review feedback and development documents including teacher development plans, feedback forms, and conference forms
- Acknowledge feedback and development documents including teacher development plans, feedback forms, and conference forms
Feedback and Development ResourcesStudent Performance Tool
Appraisers can:
- Assign student performance measures to teacher's courses
- Review and approve goals teachers have set for their courses with progress measures
- Finalize a teacher's performance level for courses with progress measures
Teachers can:
- View and acknowledge measures assigned to their courses
- Set students' starting points and goals for courses with progress measures
- Record student scores from progress assessments and work products
At this time, you must be connected to the HISD network to access these tools
HR Portal Appraisals Page | HISD Professional Support and Development | Need help?Email helpdesk@houstonisd.org