Why did my child get tested for language? We speak English at home.
If you indicated a language other than English on your home language survey, whether your child speaks it or not, we are required by the state to administer a language proficiency test. The home language survey is filled out once at the beginning of registration/enrollment.
My child scored non-English Speaker (NES) or limited-English Speaker (LES) on the language proficiency test. What does that mean?
Your child did not meet the requirements of the test to be considered a fluent English Speaker (FES). Therefore, your child is eligible to receive language accommodation in the classroom. Once you approve the ESL classification, your child will be coded as ESL and continue to be coded as ESL until they meet the requirement to exit the ESL program.
My child scored fluent-English Speaker (FES) on the language proficiency test. What does that mean?
Your child met the requirements on the test to be considered a fluent English Speaker (FES). Therefore, your child does not qualify to receive language accommodation in the classroom and will not be coded as an ESL student. Your child will receive classroom instruction in the same manner as the general student population receives it.
My child qualifies for ESL services but I don't want them to be coded as ESL. What happens?
You can choose to approve or deny language services. If you deny language services, your child will not receive additional language support in the classroom and on assessments. Your child will receive classroom instruction in the same manner as the general student population receives it.
How do I check my child's language progress?
Every Spring, students will take a language test known as the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). The test assesses the students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Your child will receive a composite score at the end of the school year that shows their progress.
Is my child's teacher qualified to teach ESL?
Yes, all RLA (reading language arts) teacher are certified to serve ESL students. Teachers that that math/science only are not required to be certified but they do have that certification and can provide additional language support in the classroom, as needed.
How long will my child be considered ESL?
Your child will continue to be coded as ESL and receive language support until they are eligible to exit the ESL program. This means scoring Advanced High in all four domains of TELPAS: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and also either passing the STAAR Reading test (3rd through 5th only) or scoring 40% or higher on Iowa (1st and 2nd grade only).
Where can I get more information on TELPAS?
Please visit this website for more information on TELPAS: https://tea.texas.gov/system/files/telpas-faq-english_0.pdf
How else can I help my child at home?
Please visit this website for tips at home: https://tea.texas.gov/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=51539628159